The joy of finding an exceptional wine from a boutique vineyard can be an eye opening experience for all types of wine drinkers. From the expert to the novice, the excitement that comes from uncovering a truly unique and undiscovered wine can be extraordinary.
Meeting at a small, mainly undiscovered, winery in northern California, we were drawn together by our mutual desire to find unique and exceptional wines to take back to our families. After several years of sharing the love for the wines of California, we all decided to bring the DiCenzo and Ford families together to realize our dreams of producing fine wines in Northern California.
Purchasing a small organic estate vineyard along the Russian River in Redwood Valley, we started out on the path of understanding what we wanted our wines to stand for and what feelings others should have when they tried our wines. We wanted each experience to be the same as it was for the DiCenzo and Ford families when we met at that small undiscovered winery many years ago.
Not without some past experience in the wine business, the Ford Family has been growing grapes for over 30 years in northern California and will have overall responsibility for the grape growing experience. The DiCenzo Family with deep Italian wine making roots, will be overseeing the wine making and production of the Forenzo wines.
Family owned and operated, we invite you to join us in celebrating our rich history, entrepreneurial spirit, and uniquely expressive wines.